Our company was founded in 1971 and avails itself of a fifty-year experience in the construction and manufactoring every kind of gear, of any size and for any employ, according to our client’s plans and instructions.The main targets of our are quality and reliability. We are specialized both in manufacturing singles pieces and medium size lot, starting from purchasing the materials, and following the working process. Thanks to a wide choice machine tools and modern control devices, our specialized staff carriers out the working schedule by inner and outer grinding, screw, cutting, turning, toothing, miling and broaching, in order to achieve the specific feature required by our clients. We rely on external qualified and certified companies to execute thermic treatment. Our care in working, our seriousness and firmness in checking the production, allow us to offer our customers and higher quality standards and mutual statifaction.

Headquarters and contact details

M.v. for Valerani Giacomo & C. Sas
Per Corte Madama Street, 16, 26012 Castelleone CR
0374 56204

9 + 12 =

M.V. Gears di Valerani Giacomo & C. Via per Cortemadama, 16 26012 Castelleone CR P.Iva 00123580193

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